সবার আগে নতুন চাকরির আপডেট পেতে আমাদের অফিসিয়াল পেইজে লাইক দিয়ে যুক্ত হোন। আপনি আগে লাইক দিয়েছেন কিনা দেখে নিন। আগে লাইক না দেওয়া থাকলে আপনি এখনি লাইক দিন , শেয়ার করুন।

সরকারি বেসরকারি সকল চাকরির খবর পড়তে আমাদের চাকরির পেজে ভিজিট করুন।

Roads and Highways Department (RHD) Job Circular 2021

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Roads and Highways Department (RHD) Job Circular 2021

Roads and Highways Department Circular 2021. সড়ক ও জনপথ অধিদপ্তর নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২১ প্রকাশ। The Distributors and Highways Department has published the new recruitment circular 2021. https://rhd.portal.gov.bd/ new job circular. hnp://rhd.teletalk.com.bd job apply.

সড়ক ও জনপথ অধিদপ্তর নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২১

After the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, all the construction work in Central Pakistan was entrusted to the Public Works Department. Communication and Public Works (C&B) was managed by the Government of East Pakistan. Later in 1962 (C&B) it was divided into two divisions, one for Public Works Department and the other for Roads and Highways.

At present, the Department of Roads and Highways is carrying out development and maintenance of important bridges and culverts including national, regional and district roads. The Department of Roads and Highways has about 22,372,621 km of roads, 3,546 bridges, 656 Bailey bridges and 14,714 culverts.

Posts of Roads and Highways Department
  1. Surveyor
  2. Work assistant
  3. Electrician
  4. Office Assistant (MLSS)
  5. Road workers
Number of posts in Roads and Highways Department

The number of posts in the Roads and Highways Department is 405

Online application start date: 03 March 2021, 10 am

Online application deadline: March 31, 2021, 5 p.m.

Circular Image
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Roads and Highways Department RHD Job Circular 2021 bdjobspublisher.com 2
Roads and Highways Department RHD Job Circular 2021 bdjobspublisher.com 3
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